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Air Algerie Boeing 737 damaged after hitting light pole

Jan 12, 2024

The Boeing 737-800 with registration 7T-VKJ, had just landed as flight AH1087 from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport before the incident.

No one was injured in the incident, and all passengers were safely disembarked. The aircraft was taxiing to its parking position when it hit the light pole, causing damage to the wingtip.

The aircraft will undergo repairs and a thorough inspection before resuming future flights.

🇩🇿 Un Boeing 737-800 d’Air Algérie, immatriculé 7T-VKJ, a été endommagé au niveau du winglet, à l’aéroport de Tlemcen peu de temps après son atterrissage de Paris CDG.

▫️L’avion a percuté un mât d’éclairage.

— air plus news (@airplusnews) August 4, 2023

Moreover, the cause of the incident is still under investigation. Both Air Algerie officials and airport authorities are currently investigating the incident to determine the cause of the contact with the light pole during taxiing.