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Cars experience heat

Mar 15, 2024

Heat-related warnings during Texas summers often stress the importance of keeping yourself, children and pets safe, but one important group is typically left out: cars. Just as searing summer heat can prove dangerous for humans, so too can it have myriad negative affects on vehicles, AAA Texas warned in a recent news release.

AAA Texas estimated 97% of all travel in the state has been by car this summer, underscoring the necessity of vehicle inspections and emergency preparation before taking a trip. Last summer, the association aided more than 360,000 motorists experiencing vehicle troubles in Texas alone.

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AAA uses the acronym B-E-T to remind motorists of the top three car components most susceptible to failure or malfunction during hot, long road trips: Batteries, Engines and Tires. When all three are in working order, AAA says, the chances for a breakdown are drastically reduced.

The association recommends the following tips to keep your B-E-Ts in check:

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Findlay Acura in Nevada has tips for motorists who can't seem to cool the interior of their cars, no matter what they do.

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No preventative method can 100% ensure a safe trip. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration warns drivers to build emergency roadside kits that include first aid kits, flashlights, jumper cables, tire pressure gauges, car jacks and basic repair tools. The administration also encourages travelers to have their phones charged; pack water, food and medicine and plan their routes before leaving in case GPSs fail.

Companies like AAA and OnStar, as well as insurance companies, offer roadside assistance programs for drivers in the event of an emergency.

More:Keep your battery from vibrating or corroding:Monitor coolant levels for your engine:Check tire pressure and treading:More:Utilize windows and vents:Invest in a sunshade:Park in a garage or under shade:Too hot!: